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Call centers function on the foundation of good data every minute of every day. Thus, it is not surprising that call center security and privacy are taken very importantly in call centers. As call centers have evolved, so have call center security trends, processes, and policies. Call centers that have taken steps to protect customer and employee data have lived longer than those that haven't. A key concern of customers is that their personal and sensitive data always remain safe and secure. Call center predictions for 2021 indicate that customers will not engage with an organization that fails to protect their data.

Given the importance placed by consumers on data security and privacy, call centers have found it necessary to keep up with the times, especially when it comes to maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy. At the same time, fraudulent activity and cyberattacks show no signs of slowing down. Criminals now have access to even more tools to try and steal personally identifiable information (PII) such as SSNs and payment card numbers, which call centers regularly hold and process. Fortunately, call centers have taken a more serious approach to ensure that they stay ahead of the game when it comes to data security. The future of call centers looks set to place great emphasis on data security. Read on to find out more about the call center trends & predictions for 2021.

  1. Data Security Will Become the Number One Priority for Call Centers

    Data Security Will Become the Number One Priority for Call Centers

    Increasing fraudulent activity will put data security in the spotlight for most call centers. Call centers will also need to be proactive about keeping up with the latest security trends for call centers if they want to gain the trust and business of their customers. Given that an alarming number of consumers are quite complacent about the security of their personal information, it is up to call centers, who regularly handle and process such information, to take stringent steps to protect such information. One way call centers will keep this risk down is by encrypting all PII or eliminating it from their infrastructures completely.

  2. Companies Will Focus on Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

    Companies Will Focus on Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

    While regulatory compliance has always been a key component of businesses, it has gained prominence over recent years, especially in the digital age. The top contact center security trends indicate that privacy and security of personal information are hotly debated topics and have been widely talked about in 2020. In Europe, the GDPR came into effect a few years ago, making it mandatory for companies to protect their customers' information or face stiff penalties. Companies will increasingly look to ensure regulatory compliance to ensure that they handle their data in the right way.

  3. Increased Training on Phishing

    Increased Training on Phishing

    According to one study, up to 22% of data breaches in 2020 involved some form of phishing, which is the stealing of data and PII by a fraudster by impersonating a reputed company or person. While it may be easy to spot bad phishing attempts, some hackers are becoming really good at it. Data breaches caused by phishing attempts can potentially cause hundreds of thousands of dollars, and therefore, call center security predictions indicate that companies will ensure that their call center agents are trained thoroughly on how to spot and avoid phishing attempts.

  4. Authentication and Authorization Will Remain Prominent

    Authentication and Authorization Will Remain Prominent

    These have always been a mainstay of call center operations, but in 2021, we will see a focus on pushing the boundaries of authentication and authorization, especially since increasingly more of the world is going online, and therefore, there is more scope for identity theft. One way companies will achieve this call center data security, including better authentication and authorization, is by using biometrics like fingerprints or face recognition on dedicated apps that users will need to use to communicate with the company.

  5. Companies Will Strive to be More Transparent

    Companies Will Strive to be More Transparent

    It may sound odd that companies will look to be more transparent, but cybersecurity & predictions show that those that are have achieved better results. One way companies can be more transparent is by telling their customers what they're doing with their data. This can increase the level of trust and confidence in the company's offerings, thereby resulting in enhanced customer loyalty and sales. Companies will also look to share with their customers the steps they are taking to enhance the customer experience.

  6. Keep Updated with the Technology

    Keep Updated with the Technology

    Companies have long known that one of the best ways to protect from cyber threats is to use the right technology. Companies that use outdated software with security protocols from many years ago are at an increased risk of cyberattacks. In 2021, companies will look to stay one step ahead of criminals by using the right technology and ensuring that all the security protocols are up to date. Companies will also invest in anti-spam and dedicated security software to provide contextual support, including AI call center support.

  7. Companies Will Implement Regular Data Backups to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

    Companies Will Implement Regular Data Backups to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

    Many companies have found themselves at the receiving end of ransomware attacks. One study showed that 51% of firms hit with a ransomware attack managed to get their data back because they used backups. However, 26% of organizations only got their data back because they paid the ransom. Companies will look to increasingly make use of regular data backups in 2021.

  8. The Internet of Things (IoT) Will Require Enhanced Security

    The Internet of Things (IoT) Will Require Enhanced Security

    Many companies are looking to leverage IoT technology to remain competitive. The IoT revolution is here, and 2021 will see an increased proliferation of IoT devices. However, the IoT landscape is still somewhat of a wild beast, and there is not as much security in IoT devices as one would expect. Those looking to enter this market must only do so by consulting with IT and IoT specialists. Companies that look to leverage IoT technology in their operations in 2021 will focus on ensuring that security standards are met.

  9. Companies Will Increasingly Transition to the Cloud

    Companies Will Increasingly Transition to the Cloud

    The advent of cloud technology brought with it many benefits for businesses of all shapes and sizes and the call center is no exception. 2020 saw many companies transition to the cloud and become virtual call centers, and this trend looks set to continue into 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to invest in cloud technology and transfer their operations to the cloud. Those that did have reaped the benefits of having a team of security experts protecting their data by using the best technology.

  10. Call Center Operations Will Increasingly Shift to Remote Working Environments

    Call Center Operations Will Increasingly Shift to Remote Working Environments

    2020 saw many contact centers being forced to provide their agents with the option of working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This transition was already in effect before the pandemic but got accelerated due to it. 2021 will see many more agents begin to work remotely, and this will entail that companies invest in the right technology and security solutions to ensure that their agents can provide customers with the best and most secure customer experience.


There have been a fair share of data breaches in 2020 and it is safe to say that 2021 will witness many attempts by fraudsters to try and steal personally identifiable information as well as sensitive information like credit card and bank account details. Contact centers routinely handle and process such data and need to be at the top of their game if they are to protect their customers' data from cyberattacks and cyber theft. In 2021, companies will increasingly invest in the best technologies and security solutions and also look to maintain compliance with all required regulations to ensure that they handle all sensitive data most securely and professionally.

Outsource Call Center Services to Flatworld for the Most Secure and Professional Customer Experience

Flatworld Solutions is a leading outsourcing company that offers highly secure, cost-effective, and professional call center services. We always maintain compliance with all industry regulations and are one of the few companies that invest in the latest call center technologies and security solutions to ensure that all customer data is always held securely. We have worked with numerous companies over the years and are abreast of all the latest developments in the call center industry, which enables us to consistently provide the best customer experience to our clients.

If you are looking for highly secure and professional call center services, contact us now to take a productive route to success.

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