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Don't want competition to run ahead of you? Want to keep your customers happy?

Flatworld's call center and customer support services Web Merchant Accounts Providers can bring you the business opportunities and growth that you have been seeking. With every passing day the number of consumers who use credit cards are on the rise and if they don't get this convenient payment facility they will look for it elsewhere. Customer support is of utmost importance for companies offering web merchant accounts services. Flatworld offers telemarketing and lead generation services for web merchant account providers.

Why Web Merchant Accounts Providers should have better customer support?

More Sales

Proper customer support and lead generation services for Web Merchant Accounts will definitely improve your sales prospects. According to studies, with proper marketing and customer support, companies can bring in about 50% rise in your sales. Several direct marketing companies make 90% - 100% of their sales by credit cards.

Bigger Sales

It is estimated that an average credit card user spends 2.5 times as much as cash buyers.

Cash Flow

Better cash flow in comparison to a check payment or money order. Credit and debit cards are convenient for your consumer and for you.

Impulsive Buyers

With a Web Merchant Account you can attract buyers better and not lose out on the opportunity of having impulsive buyers.

Enhanced Credibility

Accepting credit cards increases your credibility with prospective and present customers.

Higher Profit Margins

Credit card customers are less price-conscious than cash or check users.

Competitive Edge

Customers seek this convenient payment facility and prefer it to cash and check payments, thus giving you and edge over your competition.

Best Internet Strategy

Credit cards allow safe and easy transactions over the Internet.

Our Call Center Portfolio

Have a look at the call center services portfolio provided by the experienced team at Flatworld Solutions.

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Our Call Center Portfolio

Our Web Merchant Accounts Services

We offer telemarketing and lead generation services to set up Web Merchant Accounts for small and new businesses, willing to accept credit cards.

Our services include:

  • Primary Interest Creation and lead qualification
  • Secondary Escalation to the verification team, who can close the sale by pitching benefits, rates comparison with other service providers and suggest lower transaction processing rates
  • Application processing

Flatworld's Web Merchant Accounts Services provides you with a niche that will only set your business angle expanding into new and fresh arenas. Our Web Merchant Accounts Services will give you the opportunity to stand strong against tough competition. We have been in the outsourcing scene for over 21 years, outsource your Web Merchant Account set up needs to us and there will be no looking back. Read more about our Call Center Services.

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Flatworld Solutions

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540


Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000

KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000

Important Information: We are an offshore firm. All design calculations/permit drawings and submissions are required to comply with your country/region submission norms. Ensure that you have a Professional Engineer to advise and guide on these norms.

Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input. We deal exclusively with(names of tools).

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