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Glad to see things are going well and business is starting to pick up. Andrea told me about your outstanding numbers on Tuesday. Keep up the good work. Now to other business, I am going to suggest a payment schedule for the outstanding monies that is due. One, can you pay the balance of the license agreement as soon as possible? Two, I suggest we setup or you suggest, what you can pay on the back royalties, would you feel comfortable with paying every two weeks? Every month, I will like to catch up and maintain current royalties. So, if we can start the current royalties and maintain them every two weeks as all stores are required to do, I would appreciate it. Let me know if this works for you.




First Speaker: To tell you basically what this is about is when I was watching Harvey Mackay at one of Harv Eker's things, he said he just finished the Boston marathon and you know, the guy is 76 and I went holy crap, you know, that is amazing. He looked so fit and he is so quick minded and so on I thought, all of a sudden it occurred to me I bet the way you eat, you know, is different. I bet you don't just eat a bunch of garbage and that started this thought. So, the basic three questions will be and I am recording it for you as well if I transcribe these for the book, but then I write about it and what has really been neat about it is that what started out as three same questions to everybody, everybody had kind of a different angle on it and I realized that they were creating the chapters for this book and of course Marci Shimoff read me right [???], I am not doing something where I did all the work and you are just transcribing it, but if you actually write in the book, I will do it. So I made her that promise and it was a hard promise, but it was a good one to make because it made me think more, you know.

Second Speaker: Got you.

First Speaker: So, what I would do is I basically introduce you and then you can add anything that you think is important to that introduction and let me get my history up here because I have you on here. So, how is Robby doing?

Second Speaker: Good, hangin' in there.

First Speaker: Yeah, did you guys have a nice holiday?

Second Speaker: Well, we actually kind of had a [???] holiday, her father who is very old got sick and ended up passing away.

First Speaker: Oh I am sorry to hear that.

Second Speaker: But, you know, stuff happens, what are you going to do?

First Speaker: So I am going to – is your best website, at the end I am going to ask you, you know, about your website and stuff, is the best one to go to or -

Second Speaker: Yeah probably just for most stuff that is probably the best way to go yeah.

First Speaker: You had a really good bio on one of your websites.

Second Speaker: It is up there, there is one, you know, in most of them. I also have, you know.

First Speaker: Let me check that out, okay so the -

Second Speaker: There is a bio on that one, but it is also a bio on just

First Speaker: There we go about Rick, yeah.

Second Speaker: Sure.

First Speaker: So you know, one of the things that I will bring up is, you know, you always talk about how you have the biggest Rolodex and I thought that was a really cool angle too because part of success is who you know and you know, I think that is important. I don't know what your angle is going to be on this, but you know, the questions will be do you think that that hypothesis is true that, you know, food affects your ability to succeed on some level and then if you -

Second Speaker: Food affects your ability to -

First Speaker: You know, if it plays into your level of success. In other words, you know, I know there are successful people who eat crappy food, but so far kind of the consensus has been, you know, it has run the gamut of extremes, but so far people seem to say, you know, they can't keep up their energy if you speak a lot. You do a lot of speaking so you know, and you have a hectic schedule, so I imagine that if you are, you know, full of two pizzas, you probably don't have the energy on stage that you normally would.

Second Speaker: Right, it is true.

First Speaker: So, that's kind of the angle, but...

Poor Audio Quality Sample


Interviewer: We are talking with Jenny. So what is your current occupation?

Interviewee: I am an assistant director [???] basically [???].

Interviewer: And so how long you have been in this particular position?

Interviewee: I am in this particular position - it has been 4 years.

Interviewer: Are you able to briefly describe your work or career history to date?

Interviewee: My career has been, it initially started with a lot of clinical roles in very different areas of specialization within the nursing [???] industry and [???] plastics [???] to whole different variety and then I moved into rehabs. I was [???] for 15 years and then basically moved into management role when I was 26 and had been working in the management role for the last 27 years and yeah, about 20 years I have been working in management, and basically did a rehab degree in rehab counseling, which I think played a [???], so [???] sort of varying delay in some respects from the traditional clinical role of nursing.

Interviewer: Yeah, sort of I guess first thing [???] broadly speaking, why did you choose to go into nursing?

Interviewee: Because I was paid to train and employed at the same time. In the 70s, things were very different in [???] of jobs and employment...

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