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Do you have a dearth of qualified talent to tackle your company's sustainability issues and want to change your routine mortgage operations with the possibility to scale up in the near future, and want to digitize the process of mortgage lending? If the answer is a yes, then you need our all-inclusive back-office mortgage assistance that could meet your mortgage loan setup necessities.

At Flatworld Solutions, we offer a full range of mortgage loan setup support services, from validating the borrowers' rights/eligibility to preparing loan documents. With 21 years of experience in mortgage domain, we can provide regular mortgage assistance through our low-cost support service, so you can save a lot of money and turn around your whole loan setup process.

Mortgage Loan Setup Support Services We Offer

We have been working with retail & wholesale lenders, investors, private mortgage corporations, and service providers, and have assisted them by means of our advanced customer relationship management, document management systems, and 20 years of support service expertise in the mortgage industry. We provide mortgage assistance for the mortgage loan setup support services mentioned below -

Loan Packaging

If you decide to choose our support solution, we will make sure that all the loan packaging responsibilities are met as per the norms. As part of our comprehensive loan packaging solution, we can assess or prepare loan applications that can be tailored to your explicit needs.

We have an expert team of mortgage loan specialist with an in-depth understanding of the loan accounting process. Together, we can work closely with underwriters, loan officers, loan processors, and insurance companies to complete the loan program (package) and simplify it by filling out the borrower's personal information at the agreed time. Also, we check every key detail, including loan worthiness & eligibility, credit score, employment position, and insurance policy before sending it to the loan originator.

Mortgage Loan Document Management

Our team can manage and supervise the creation, review, and improvement of all support income statements, loan documents, and property purchase contracts. We can also check if the document meets the legal requirements or not.

Our mortgage loan document management service includes the assessment of loan documents, including Form 1003 & 1008, W2s, borrower's authorization, Pay stubs, LE, etc. Moreover, we ensure all the documents are filed properly and their status matches the federal regulations.

Title Support

Managing the property titles, including financial analysis, property transfer, obtaining a mortgage policy, ownership transfer, property insurance, etc., needs a lot of time and resources. That is why we provide all-inclusive title support solutions, such as mortgage insurance check, title research, and ordering title and property rights verification.

Through us, you will be able to lessen the time, cost, and problems associated with internal mortgage loan setup service.

Appraisal Support

Flatworld Solutions is the industry leader in providing mortgage assistance for appraisal support, including order appraisal and its quality assessment. Our back-end appraisal support services can assist your underwriters to find out the actual market value of the assets. Therefore, allowing them to save precious time. We can also work with the loan appraiser to ensure the appraisal's accuracy.

Once you outsource mortgage loan setup support services to us, we can review the appraisal report to identify variations or mistakes. Moreover, all the elusive details, such as site plans, tax returns, and sales history, will be thoroughly reviewed and further checked prior to processing.

Fraud Check

Our loan setup services for the mortgage are in compliance with the legal and business rules of the mortgage industry. We use federal loan rules to provide support for fraud detection, data integrity checks, loan terms review, interest rates, and associated data. With our in-depth fraud screening service, you can compile borrower's loan documents in a digital catalog.

We ensure that each & every mortgage loan application with the accompanying documentation is in line with the insurance coverage. We can examine credit bureau reports, appraisal reports, checkout documents, etc. to take care of the legitimacy and validity of credit information. This helps identify violations of warranties and guarantees.

Our Process - Mortgage Loan Setup Support

If you choose our mortgage loan setup support solutions, we will gather information about your specific requirements to start our mortgage assistance, thereby understanding your mortgage workflow, technologies you use, the profile of your borrower, scope of your business, etc. This will benefit us to optimize the resources and time needed to set up a mortgage loan setup support process. The processes will include -

Loan Setup


Service Desk


Our Tools - Mortgage Loan Setup Support

At Flatworld Solutions, we stick to a simplified mortgage loan setup support approach. A few tools we use in this process include -

ByteProCalyx PointEncompass360Lending Pro SoftwareLoanAssistantMagna Timeshare SoftwareMortgage LensQualiaMortgage BuilderSoftProExcalibur WMSCaptaloansCargoWise One

Why Choose FWS' Support Services for Mortgage Loan Setup

Through our mortgage assistance, we can deliver significant advantages over the competitors. Here are a few advantages of choosing our support solutions for mortgage loan setup -

Client Success Stories


FWS' Mortgage Services Helped a Leading Mortgage Lender Reduce Their Operational Cost by 50%

FWS helped customer reduce his operational cost by 50%, double his loan volume, and get ahead of other mortgage lenders.

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FWS' Mortgage Loan Processing Services Helped a Leading Mortgage Lender Reduce the Closing Period By 30-50%

FWS helped a residential mortgage lender close loans on time, reduce the closing period by 30-50%, and efficiently manage twice the increase in loan volume.

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Success Stories

Outsource Renovation Mortgage Loan Support Services to FWS - Leader in Mortgage Services

Flatworld Solutions is a leading mortgage loan setup support services company that offers a wide range of high-quality mortgage support services to its clients. We have an extensive resource pool and modern tool framework to work with global mortgage lenders and successfully provide all kinds of mortgage loan setup support services. Our mortgage experts and state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities help us in providing the level of flexibility, scalability, and adaptability needed to organize and accelerate the mortgage loan setup process.

With an exhaustive knowledge of the US mortgages & federal laws, we continue to develop and modernize mortgage loan setup support services to provide customers with immeasurable value. Reach us for dependable, competent, and affordable mortgage loan setup support services.

Mortgage Processing

Our Customers

Movement Mortgage
Redwood E-Learning Systems
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Flatworld Solutions

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540


Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000

KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000

Important Information: We are an offshore firm. All design calculations/permit drawings and submissions are required to comply with your country/region submission norms. Ensure that you have a Professional Engineer to advise and guide on these norms.

Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input. We deal exclusively with(names of tools).

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