Our Services

Call Center Services
We offer superior multi-channel voice, chat & email support services.

Engineering Services
Leverage over two decades of engineering expertise across industries.

IT Outsourcing Services
Transform your business with customized solutions to bolster your business.
Capitalize on our state of the art customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning systems with our call center services for omnichannel engagement. Position your business at the forefront of innovation with our uniquely crafted engineering solutions. Future-proof your business with secure and efficient IT outsourcing services.

Finance & Accounting
Expedient, cost effective, expert finance and accounting services for small to large businesses.

Mortgage Support Services
HMDA compliant services to ensure faster payments, shorter closing cycles and improved borrower satisfaction.

Healthcare BPO
Improve accuracy & ensure HIPAA compliance cost effectively.
Streamline financial operations and drive business growth, with our efficient finance & accounting services. Leverage cutting-edge technology in mortgage processing services to cut costs and boost customer satisfaction. Enhance your offerings with our healthcare BPO solutions, optimizing healthcare administration for seamless patient experience.

Creative Services
Our expertise across industries ensures that our creative services help boost your business revenue.

Data Services
With 98% accuracy, ensure your data is error-free.

Insurance BPO Services
Reliable back office services for insurance agencies and insurance carriers.

Photo Editing Services
Creative imaging services for diverse businesses.

Data Science Services
Data science & analytics-driven solutions to help you take smarter business decisions.

Automation Services
Intelligent automation solutions to drive continuous process improvements and efficiency gains.
- Robotic Process Automation
- Cognitive Process Automation
- Business Process Automation
- Digital Transformation
We specialize in creative services, data services, insurance BPO services, photo editing services, data science services and Automation services all designed to enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement.

Research & Analysis
Quality research solutions to ensure your organization's growth.

Legal Process Outsourcing
Benefit from professional & cost-effective LPO services.

Customs Brokerage
Avail professional, accurate, time-bound and affordable services.

Logistics Services
We ensure streamlined goods flow, reduced freight invoice & timely delivery.

Transcription Services
Accurate, pocket-friendly transcription services delivered in multiple formats.

Translation Services
We offer accurate translation services by certified professionals.
Our experts provide comprehensive research & analysis and legal process outsourcing services, efficient customs brokerage for smooth import-export processes, and optimal logistics services. We also offer precise transcription services and culturally sensitive translation services.

Web Analytics Services
Gain key business insights & improve conversions to ensure your business stays ahead.

REO Support
Streamline processes with customized technology solutions.

Additional Services
Improve your company's core competency while saving cost & time by outsourcing mundane & non-core tasks like Internet Marketing, Business Incorporation, HR, etc. to Flatworld.
Our teams deliver insightful web analytics services for enhanced online strategies, comprehensive REO support for real estate operations, and a range of additional services customized to specific business needs.

Flatworld Solutions
116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540
Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000
KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000