Research and Analysis - Customer Testimonials

Read what our valued customers have to say about us.

I've been thoroughly impressed with all of your work this past few months, even the QA completed in the last few days has been superb. Thank you for your flexibility, patience, and excellent communication throughout the project!

Product Research and Data, USA

Very thorough, precise research analysis. Extremely easy to work with even though most communication was done via email. Turnaround time for requested information was superbly quickly...almost quicker than I actually needed the request. At times I felt that I was their only customer! They were always there when I needed them!

Lynn Kowalczyk

The general information is well sourced. The financial information had been well researched, the format was perfect, and the commentary in the services section was well presented, in fact, better than we are used to!

Everything is going well and we have no requests or things that need to be changed. We are happy with the project going smoothly now and everything seems to be under control.

*Note - We are sensitive to customer information and have therefore not provided customer names.

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Decide in 24 hours whether outsourcing will work for you.

Important Information: We are an offshore firm. All design calculations/permit drawings and submissions are required to comply with your country/region submission norms. Ensure that you have a Professional Engineer to advise and guide on these norms.

Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input. We deal exclusively with(names of tools).

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Flatworld Solutions

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540


Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000

KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000