Technology is changing faster than companies can keep up with it - moving flat out towards business without barriers on a frictionless business platform.
Pulitzer-award-winning writer Thomas Friedman in his book "The World is Flat" has described the flatteners that shaped the 21st century global economy. These flatteners, beginning with the fall of the Berlin Wall, allowed us to think of the world as a "seamless whole", to see it as "a single market, a single ecosystem and a single community."
We are witnessing the benefits of these flatteners on the turbo charged global economy of today - working together in synergy to level the playing field and expand our business horizons.
Flat equals fast, flexible and informed
Business intelligence, knowledge management and outsourcing strategies keep companies moving nimbly ahead of their competition.
Business intelligence (BI) is a strategic technology to stay competitive - to measure performance, analyze data and track problems, and share insights with a mobile business workforce. BI provides the depth and wealth of information for management to make better-informed business decisions, and stay responsive to market trends.
Global companies at the cutting edge have realized vast benefits from outsourcing strategies. Business process outsourcing represents a unique opportunity to achieve significant improvements in operating performance, compress cycle times, reduce errors and decrease or eliminate paper transactions. Cost-cutting is no longer the only reason why companies choose to outsource some of their business processes. The more compelling reason is to achieve business growth by providing added value to customers through innovation, better products, streamlined services and processes, improved service and productivity.
Managing the complexity of global businesses is a demanding task that requires finely honed skills in a multitude of domains. Outsourcing allows a company to concentrate on its core competence while drawing on the benefits of skilled manpower and leading-edge technology through the speedy collaboration in virtual space that web-based technologies allow.
Flat equals collaborative, proactive, competitive
The internet with its interactive and collaborative applications has enabled businesses to forge partnerships and alliances to keep the competitive edge in a shrinking world. Innovation and growth are driven by the combined power of social networks, partnerships and alliances, along with physical assets like plant, equipment, and technology plus human capital - intellect, skills and training.
It's a world where competition is the norm - where companies cooperate to compete and stay ahead. Competition enables significant waste to be removed from logistics and supply chains, reducing administrative costs that percolate down to product costs and finally to the consumer. It also helps diverse groups of people in different companies in different parts of the world to proactively work on win-win solutions that open up new business opportunities never heard of before.
Flat is integrated, standardized, consolidated
The convergence of voice, data and video into a single network, integrated with next generation wireless and mobile technologies, has unleashed the power of communication and computing like never before. Higher productivity is the result. People on the move are able to make decisions, communicate, and collaborate to provide real time responses to changing consumer needs, give better logistics support, increase sales volume, design and develop a new product in record time - and in many other ways impact the way the world does business.
The integration of business processes and technology go hand-in-hand to create a frictionless infrastructure for smoother business transactions. Consolidation of several services is now possible on the same interoperable network.
Open source is a strategic opportunity, enabling collaborative communities to build quality software and achieve independence from proprietary solutions. These self-organizing social networks put the best brains together to create shared standards, solve common problems, build great products, projects, and strong alliances. Usage of open source technologies is spreading beyond operating systems like Linux, web servers like Apache and browsers like Firefox, to include powerful tools and applications that are changing the way people do business.
Flat is frictionless
Automated processes, frictionless commerce and workflow has propelled business transformation. Global supply chaining connects manufacturers, suppliers and consumers across companies, cultures and countries on common interoperable platforms. This enables a seamless flow of information and goods reaching factories, stores or warehouses "just in time" to prevent wasteful inventory pile-ups.
Flatworld and you. Together, there's no limit to what we can do!
The flattened internet marketplace opens up mind-boggling opportunities for your business. From big-picture vision to close-up clarity, Flatworld Solutions goes flat out to make your business dreams real. We'll put our years of experience and specialized skills to work to help you leverage all the possibilities in the flat world.
Flatworld Solutions. Expanding possibilities.
Expand Your Business Possibilities. Contact us now!
Read more about offshore outsourcing.
Contact Us
Flatworld Solutions
116 Village Blvd, Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540
Aeon Towers, J.P. Laurel Avenue, Bajada, Davao 8000
KSS Building, Buhangin Road Cor Olive Street, Davao City 8000